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"Properties of Acoustic Emission Signals for Tool Condition Monitoring (TCM) Applications" G. Pontuale, F.A. Farrelly, A. Petri, L. Pitolli and F. Krogh, Procs. of 17th International Congress on Acoustics (Rome, 2-7 September 2-7 2001), ISBN 88-88387-03-X. "Characteristics of power-law distributed AE signals" F.A. Farrelly, F. Krogh, A. Petri, L. Pitolli and G. Pontuale, Procs. of 17th International Congress on Acoustics (September 2-7, 2001,Rome), ISBN 88-88387-03-X. "Procedimento e relativo dispositivo basati sull'emissione acustica per la supervisione automatica delle lavorazioni meccaniche", F.A. Farrelly, A. Petri, L.Pitolli, G. Pontuale and GB. Cannelli, patent pending (Italy, 10/24/2000, RM2000 A000560), International extension (PCT, ref. 1439/2000).
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"A random neighbour model for yielding'' Fergal Dalton, Alberto Petri and Giorgio Pontuale, J. Stat. Mech. P03011 (2010). "A thermodinamic fibre bundle model with disorder" A. Virgilii, A. Petri and S. R. Salinas, J. Stat. Mech J. Stat. Mech. P04009 (2007). "Critical fluctuations in the breakdown of disordered lattices" A. Petri, in Scaling and Disordered Systems; International Workshop and Collection of Articles celebrating Antonio Coniglio's 60th birthday (Paris, France, April 13-14, 2000), edited by F. Family, M. Daoud, H. J. Herrmann and H. E. Stanley (World-Scientific, June 2002); (gzipped PS file) Also in FRACTALS-COMPLEX GEOMETRY PATTERNS AND SCALING IN NATURE AND SOCIETY 11: 67-72 Suppl. S FEB 2003 Critical behaviour in fracture of disordered media" G. Caldarelli, C. Castellano and A. Petri, Phil. Mag. B 79 (11/12), 1939-1944 (1999). (gzipped PS file) Comment on "First order transition in the breakdown of disordered media" G. Caldarelli and A. Petri, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (7), 1483 (1999). "Criticality in models for fracture in disordered media" G. Caldarelli, C. Castellano and A. Petri, Physica A 270, 15-20 (1999).
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"Experimental evidence of critical dynamics in microfracturing process" A. Petri, G. Paparo, A. Vespignani, A. Alippi, and M. Costantini: Physical Review Letters 73, 3423-3426 (1994).